The emergence of the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak on the global stage has brought home to many the very real threat posed by a worldwide pandemic. Whether you live in North America, Europe, a large city or a rural community, the risks posed by the disease (both health and economic) are now very real and very close.
Check the CDC for the latest up to date information and advice on COVID-19 here.
The good news is that as with all challenges, this one can be overcome with careful planning and considered action taken at the right time. With this in mind, below are a selection of the essential resources to help raise your overall readiness for the coming months.
Want to see forecast models for your area? Check latest projections here.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread and the rapid increase in infections across the globe takes hold, knowing the essential information for how to prepare for a black swan event like a pandemic becomes more important than ever.
None of us can ever be sure how long a pandemic such as COVID-19 will last, or what the repercussions will be for society in the fallout of this novel Coronavirus outbreak, but we can take action to get ready to mitigate the worst of the possible outcomes and to minimize the effect on ourselves and those closest to us as and when the situation develops.
These guides are designed to help you make that happen.
When it comes to preparedness, we reference as many expert sources and real-world user reviews as possible when looking to provide the most relevant and educational information in our guides.
Preparing for a pandemic requires ensuring you have the most relevant and accurate information to hand at all times. With this in mind, this guide looks to provide advice on some of the most useful strategies for preparing for general unexpected emergencies such as a pandemic outbreak however, it’s always important to carry out your own due diligence and to consult additional trusted sources such as the CDC (or local equivalent) for the latest information and advice.
No information on this site is to be construed or interpreted in any way as medical advice and expert opinion from medical professionals should always be consulted.
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